08:30-09:20Keynote Speech IV
Identifying Malicious Actors in Online Platforms
V.S. Subrahmanian, University of Maryland, USA
Crystal Ballroom
09:20-10:10Coffee Break
10:10-12:00Parallel Sessions (3)
IRC(7) Human-robot Interaction
Session Chair: Giovanni Pilato

A Performance Study of 14-channel and 5-channel EEG Systems for Real-time Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Abijith Vijayendra, Saumya Kumaar, Ravi M. Vishwanath and S N Omkar

Open-finger: Mobile Application Platform Enhanced by Physical Finger
Hiroaki Tobita

Towards Safe Speed and Separation Monitoring in Human-Robot Collaboration with 3D-Time-of-flight Cameras
Urban B. Himmelsbach, Thomas M. Wendt, Matthias Lai and Matthias Waßmer

Human Object Identification for Human-robot Interaction by using Fast R-CNN
Shih-Chung Hsu, Yu-Wen Wang and Chung-Lin Huang

A Social Humanoid Robot as a Playfellow for Vocabulary Enhancement
Daniele Schicchi and Giovanni Pilato
Platinum Room
IRC(8) Hardware Modeling and Abstraction
Session Chair: David Pérez Morales

Reachset Conformance Testing of Human Arms with a Biomechanical Model
Cédric Stark, Aaron Pereira and Matthias Althoff

A Comparison of Constant Curvature Forward Kinematics for Multisection Continuum Arms
Anant Chawla, Chase Frazelle and Ian Walker

Locomoting Robots Composed of Immobile Robots
Ross Warkentin, Will Savoie and Daniel Goldman

Development of a Hand-up Request Motion Model Based on Analysis of Hand-up Motion between Humans
Shunsuke Ota, Mitsuru Jindai, Toshiyuki Yasuda and Yoshihiro Sejima
Garnet Galley
IRC(9) Sensor Fusion and Integration
Session Chair: Nicholas Dolan-Stern

Environment-dependent Depth Enhancement with Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Learning
Kuya Takami and Taeyoung Lee

SARRI: a SmArt Rapiro Robot Integrating a Framework for Automatic High-level Surveillance Event Detection
Daniela D'Auria, Fabio Persia, Fabio Bettini, Sven Helmer and Bruno Siciliano

Practically Classifying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Sound using Convolutional Neural Networks
John Gallagher

Integration of a Low-cost Three-axis Sensor for Robot Force Control
Shuyang Chen and Peter Kazanzides
Slate Room
12:00-13:00Lunch (on your own)
13:00-13:50Keynote Speech V
Planetary Robotic Exploration: Mobility and Autonomy
Issa A.D. Nesnas, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Crystal Ballroom
13:50-14:40Keynote Speech VI
Semantic Interoperability in the Internet of Everything Ecosystem
Ram D. Sriram, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Crystal Ballroom
14:40-15:00Coffee Break
15:00-16:00Parallel Sessions (4)
IRC(10) Software Architectures (III)
Session Chair: Oleksandr Semeniuta

MoVEMo: a Structured Approach for Engineering Reward Functions
Piergiuseppe Mallozzi, Raul Pardo, Vincent Duplessis, Patrizio Pelliccione and Gerardo Schneider

jUAV: a Real-time Java UAV Autopilot
Adam Czerniejewski, Karthik Dantu and Lukasz Ziarek

Software Components Meet Hybrid Systems: Towards a Component Model and Its Software Engineering Process for Cyber-physical Systems
Jacques Malenfant
Platinum Room
IRC(11) Path Planning and Robot Navigation (III)
Session Chair: Michael Wagner

Autonomous Navigation and Sensorless Obstacle Avoidance for UGV with Environment Information from UAV
Harikumar Kandath, Titas Bera, Rajarshi Bardhan and Suresh Sundaram

Towards a Multi-mission QoS and Energy Manager for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Dinh-Khanh Ho, Karim Ben Chehida, Benoit Miramond and Michel Auguin

Implementation of Feeding Task via Learning from Demonstration
Nabil Ettehadi and Aman Behal
Garnet Galley
IRC(12) Robot Cognition
Session Chair: Urban Himmelsbach

Surface Reconstruction from Arbitrarily Large Point Clouds
Thomas Wiemann, Isaak Mitschke, Alexander Mock and Joachim Hertzberg

Learning Object Classifiers with Limited Human Supervision on a Physical Robot
Christopher Eriksen, Austin Nicolai and William Smart

Learning a Set of Interrelated Tasks by using Sequences of Motor Policies for a Strategic Intrinsically Motivated Learner
Nicolas Duminy, Sao Mai Nguyen and Dominique Duhaut
Slate Room
16:10-18:00Parallel Sessions (5)
IRC(13) Object Recognition and Tracking
Session Chair: Tauhidul Alam

Grasping Unknown Objects in Clutter by Superquadric Representation
Abhijit Makhal, Federico Thomas and Alba Perez Gracia

Robotic Control for Cognitive UWB Radar
Stefan Brueggenwirth and Fernando Rial

Accurate Plane Estimation Based on the Error Model of Time-of-flight Camera
Yosuke Konno, Masayuki Tanaka, Masatoshi Okutomi, Yukiko Yanagawa, Koichi Kinoshita, Masato Kawade and Yuki Hasegawa
Platinum Room
CHARMS(1) Collaboration of Humans, Agents, Robots, Machines and Sensors (I)
Session Chair: Donghan Kim

Multi-agent Cooperation using Snow-Drift Evolutionary Game Model: Case Study in Foraging Task
Ahmad Esmaeili, Zahra Ghorrati and Eric Matson

Collaborative Goal Distribution in Distributed Multiagent Systems
Sujin Park, Sanguk Park, Hyeonggun Lee, Minji Hyun, Eunsuh Lee, Jeonghyeon Ahn, Lauren Featherstun, Yongho Kim and Eric Matson

Survivability of MAS through Collective Intelligence
Mauricio Alejandro Gomez Morales and Eric T. Matson

System Design for Coordinated Multi-robot Assistance Deployment in Smart Spaces
Panagiotis Papadakis, Christophe Lohr, Marin Lujak, Abir Karami, Ioannis Kanellos, Guillaume Lozenguez and Anthony Fleury

Sign Language Learning Based on Object Detection Network
Sunmok Kim, Yangho Ji and Ki-Baek Lee

A Preliminary Study on Human Chewing Action Counter
Hyun-Mo Yang, Yunsik Son, Young-One Cho and Jin-Woo Jung
Garnet Galley
WSR(1) Semantic Robots (I)
Session Chair: Daniela D’Auria

Towards Semantic Approaches for General-Purpose End-user Development
Maurizio Atzori

Exploring Topic Models on Short Texts: A Case Study with Crisis Data
Sukanya Manna

Improving Student Surveys with Natural Language Processing
Patrick Kuiper

Reasoning under Situation Awareness in a Temporal Database
Andreas Behrend

Descartes-agent: Verifying Formal Specifications using the Model Checking Technique
Vinitha Hannah Subburaj

Finding Expert Authors in Financial Forum using Deep Learning Methods
Sahar Sohangir
Slate Room
19:30-21:30Banquet & Keynote Speech VII
What are the Semantics of VR
Craig Dietrich, Mellon Research Fellow, Occidental College, USA
Adam Sulzdorf-Liszkiewicz, CTO, RUST LTD. and USC, USA
Crystal Ballroom